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Applications of Metallic Stearates-2

Date:2022-05-20 11:28:10 Browse:0


Aluminium Stearate is used as flattening, thickening, pigment suspension, anti-foaming agents.


Building & Construction


Metallic stearates perform various functions as additives in the building & construction industry. It is used as a hydrophobic and anti-flocculating agent. They are added to cement and fillers on account of their excellent water repellent properties that increase the life of steel used in the structure. With high infrastructure growth in the emerging regions, the metallic stearates market in regions such as the Asia-Pacific is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period.


The major types of metallic stearates that are used in this industry include zinc stearate, calcium stearate, and magnesium stearate.


Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics


Due to their excellent lubrication and release properties, their thixotropic effect, and their capacity for gelation, metallic stearates are used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Their release properties are utilized during dragée preparation and tablet pressing, whilst their gelation properties assist in the production of creams and ointments. The hydrophobic properties of metallic stearates prevent pharmaceutical and cosmetic products in powders from absorbing water and thus from forming agglomerates.


Metallic stearates prevent solid washing powders and detergents from water absorption. Additionally, metallic stearates are used in shampoos, eyeliners, lipsticks, sun-protective lotions, medicated ointments, body and foot powders, etc. Although metallic stearates are added to these articles in relatively low dosages ranging from 0.05 to 1 %, significant volumes of metallic stearates are required for this application in Europe alone.

(To be continued...)

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