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Applications of Metallic Stearates-1

Date:2022-05-20 11:11:49 Browse:0

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Properties of metallic stearates due to the unique structure of having polar and non-polar nature in the same molecule can be used in various functions in a variety of applications. 

They work as reactive processing aids, inert process enablers, mold release agents, acid scavenging agents, dispersing agents, and hydrophobizing agents. 

Here are a few applications where metallic stearates are used.


Polymer & Rubber Industry


Metallic stearates have been utilized in the rubber industry for a long time. The primary functions of metallic stearates are their ability to prevent the rubber from sticking to the mold as well as to itself.


Metallic stearates are primarily used as acid scavengers, lubricants, and release agents into the plastics industry, which is becoming increasingly important in melt processing. In addition to optimizing production, the use of metallic stearates allows the processor to produce finished articles with smoother surfaces and lower friction.


The major types of metallic stearates that are used in this industry include zinc stearate, calcium stearate, and magnesium stearate.


Paints & Coatings


Metallic stearates along with other additives are added to control the viscosity and surface properties of paints. The printing ink industry utilizes metallic stearates as swelling and suspension aid for other additives such as pigments. They are also employed as matting agents for gravure inks.


The major types of metallic stearates that are used in this industry include zinc stearate, calcium stearate, and aluminium stearate. Zinc Stearate is used as a flattening agent for sanding sealers. Calcium Stearate is used as a waterproofing and flattening agent in lacquers.

(To be continued...)

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