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The primary raw materials of PVC foam board and their functions -1

Date:2022-06-24 10:42:24 Browse:0

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The primary raw materials of PVC foam board and their functions

PVC resin powder

It is the primary raw material, foaming base material, producing PVC foamed sheet generally adopts Model SG-8 PVC resin. When processing, the gelatinization speed is fast, the processing temperature is relatively low, the product quality is stable, and the density is easy to control. In order to improve product quality and strictly control the fluctuation of product density and thickness, SG-8 PVC resin is often used in the production of free foam and Celuka foam PVC sheets.

PVC stabilizer

In order to fully plasticize the material during the process of PVC foam board, the material is often at high temperatures. In addition, the foaming agent also produces decomposition heat in the process of decomposition. These factors require that the stabilizer have sufficient thermal stability to ensure the quality of products and long-term stable production.

Foaming regulator

It is made of methyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, and styrene. Its molecular structure is a core-shell structure. As a processing aid in the formulation system, it can effectively reduce the plasticizing temperature, promote the plasticizing effect, improve the plasticizing efficiency, improve the melt strength, reduce the melt pulsation, prevent the melt fracture, and significantly improve the surface smoothness of products. 

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