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Corrosion Resistance of PVC Pipes

Date:2022-04-01 09:53:10 Browse:0


The major finding of a recent study is that PVC Pipe has the lowest overall failure rate when compared to cast iron, ductile iron, concrete, steel, and asbestos cement pipes. The report concluded that corrosion was a major cause of water main breaks.


Escalating deterioration of water and sewer systems due to corrosion, leaks, and breaks in old-technology pipe materials threaten our ability to provide safe drinking water and essential sanitation services both today and in future generations.


Unlike metal piping, PVC Pipes won't rust or corrode over time because it does not react with air and water the way metal does which results in a significantly longer lifetime of the pipe.


Consequently, PVC Pipe is more cost-effective in applications where soil is aggressive. PVC Pipe can be expected to outlast alternative pipes without the need for protective coatings or liners.

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