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Novista's Ca/Zn stabilizer

Date:2020-03-11 09:49:07 Browse:0

Calcium-Zinc based stabilizers (Ca-Zn) are new generation stabilizers which gained importance in PVC market. We at Novista are proactively supporting this change and helping the industry to adapt to these changes.

We have a strong & experienced technical team, which is incessantly working towards improving the quality of our stabilizers. 

Today, we are one of the leading manufacturers of Calcium-Zinc stabilizers in China. Due to our indigenous innovative capacity and commitment towards sustainable development, we have developed excellent products with the competitive advantage. 

Novista's Prostab® Calcium-Zinc stabilizers are performance oriented and particularly provide excellent long-term retention of color, outstanding mechanical properties and a high level of weathering resistance. 

We not only have products suitable for China market but also provide widely accepted & appreciated compliant products for different applications.

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