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Novista PVC acrylic processing aid

Date:2020-03-07 10:13:34 Browse:0

Novista is a global supplier in the manufacture of additives for PVC, Engineering plastics.


From hashtagacrylic and methacrylate-butadiene-styrene ( hashtagMBS ) impact modifiers, to acrylic processing aids, our Topadd® full range will overcome your expectations for the reinforcement and the processing of thermoplastics, and for the toughening and the process gain of thermosetting resins. Novista’s acrylic and MBS impact modifiers improve the impact strength of thermoplastic materials, while offering an optimal cost-performance balance.

These additives are particularly designed for the reinforcement of PVC articles for exterior applications, as PVC windows, hashtagceiling panels, hashtagfoam board, but also interior applications as furniture films or transparent packaging...

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