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No. 1 Reason for Burst Water Mains

Date:2022-04-06 14:27:29 Browse:0


Fact – Burst water mains cause traffic chaos and waste precious water resources.

Fact – PVC water mains pipes can have a lifespan of up to 150 years, delivering corrosion free, clean quality water for a century and a half.

PVC pipe is a product of modern technology, offering reliable and durable service to a variety of users including contractors, engineers, operators, industries, utilities and irrigation districts. A number of performance advantages means PVC Pipes now replaces many traditional materials

Corrosion, leaks and breaks in old-technology pipe materials are degrading our water delivery and sewage treatment systems, which are critical to public health and the environment.

The Solution: PVC Pipe

While certain pipe manufacturers continue to explore “solutions” to corrosion – because their materials are affected by it – PVC remains indisputably resistant to it.

PVC pipe is a proven and extremely durable alternative to traditional corrosion prone pipe materials.

Recognised by state, national and international agencies and standards organisations, it has been a benchmark since it was introduced in the sewer, water and drainage markets.

"An American Water Works Association Research Foundation study confirms the life expectancy of PVC pipe to be in excess of 110 years."

PVC’s cost effectiveness and sustainability are important qualities that water authorities and local governments should be considering – and ratepayers should be demanding.

So Why Aren’t We Using PVC More Widely?

Since pipe is the largest component of water utility’s assets, it’s critical that steps be taken to ensure its long-term sustainability, which will help utilities hold the line on costs.

PVC is the most cost-effective and durable piping material available today, and procurement practices should be reformed to ensure it helps solve the corrosion issue.

"Fifty percent of all operation and maintenance costs ... and ninety percent of lost water costs are corrosion-related." Gregory R. Ruschau, Ph.D., Corrosion Expert/Former Senior Project Manager, CC Technologies Laboratories, Inc.

The cost of water main break repair is not only calculated in terms of repair costs, but also in terms of lost water, replacement of corroded pipes and implementation of corrosion-mitigation measures, which are ineffective since they only delay an unavoidable outcome. This should also include the high costs of emergency equipment, traffic disruptions, and lost work time.

Today’s corrosion crisis is due to the materials used in our underground pipe networks over the last 100 years. At first, cast iron was used, with ductile iron gradually replacing it. Both now suffer from the ravages of corrosion.

"Each $1 billion in PVC pipe purchased translates into an estimated $500 million in avoided corrosion costs."


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