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The primary raw materials of PVC foam board and their functions -2

Date:2022-06-24 10:45:58 Browse:0

The selection principle of the foaming regulator includes plasticizing speed, melt strength, and melt fluidity. Because of different process conditions, foaming regulator models should be selected according to the various product property characteristics, such as foamed sheet, thick foamed sheet, thin foamed sheet, wood plastic foamed sheet, etc. They can ensure the uniformity of the melt and good board surface quality. Besides that, we need to choose good quality internal and external lubricants and add enough heat stabilizers to the formula.

Foaming agent

The foaming agent is the material that makes the object material into a cell structure. It can be divided into the chemical foaming agent, physical foaming agent, and surfactant. It is mainly used to control the density and measurement of PVC foaming boards.


In the formula system, the general dosage of light calcium carbonate is 10 ~ 40 phr. Filler can not only be used as a foaming nucleating agent but also reduce the material cost. However, excessive dosage of light calcium carbonate will make the cell uniformity worse, then affect the appearance and product quality. It finally makes the product density difficult to control, increases the total cost, and reduces the product hardness.


It is used for coloring the board, mainly in white, red, yellow, blue, green, black, gray, etc.

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