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Common faults and solutions of plastic pipe extrusion line-3

Date:2022-05-28 11:16:00 Browse:0

8. Uneven pipe wall thickness


Adjust the wall thickness on the mold; adjust the nozzle angle in the vacuum setting machine and the spray box to make the pipe cool evenly; adjust the water output of the sizing sleeve to make it even; disassemble the mold, check whether the screws inside the mold are loose, and re-tighten;


9. The plasticizing temperature is too high


Adjust the process; adjust the heating temperature of the mold core, and ventilate and cool the mold; the shear heat of the screw is too high, replace the screw;

10. Inaccurate cutting length


Check whether the long wheel is compressed; check whether the long wheel swings, and tighten the fixing bolt of the long wheel frame; check whether the travel switch of the cutting machine is damaged; check whether the rotary encoder is damaged; whether the wiring of the rotary encoder is disconnected (aviation) Whether the plug socket is in good contact); each stand-alone shell (PE terminal) should be grounded to a total ground point for reliable grounding, and the grounding point should have a grounding stake that meets the electrical grounding requirements. Each stand-alone shell (PE terminal) is not allowed Connect to the ground after connecting in series, otherwise it will introduce interference pulses, causing inaccurate cutting length;


11. Co-extrusion label problem


Diffusion of co-extrusion identification strips: Generally, it is caused by improper selection of co-extrusion materials used by users. Special materials such as PE should be used. If necessary, the temperature of the extrusion section can be reduced.

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