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Common faults and solutions of plastic pipe extrusion line-2

Date:2022-05-28 11:15:00 Browse:0

4. A jitter ring appears inside the pipe


Adjust the water outlet of the sizing sleeve to make it even; adjust the vacuum degree of the second chamber so that the vacuum degree of the rear chamber is slightly higher than that of the front chamber; check whether the vacuum seal is too tight; check whether the tractor is shaking; check the main engine Whether the material is uniform;


5. No vacuum


Check whether the water inlet of the vacuum pump is blocked, if it is blocked, unblock it; check whether the vacuum pump is working properly; check whether the vacuum pipeline is leaking; check whether the small hole in the middle of the mandrel compression screw is blocked, if it is blocked, use a fine iron wire to clear it;


6. The outer diameter of the pipe is out of tolerance


Adjust the vacuum degree to change the outer circle size; adjust the traction speed to change the outer circle size; correct the inner hole size of the sizing sleeve;


7. The roundness of the pipe is out of tolerance


Adjust the nozzle angle in the vacuum setting machine and spray box to make the pipe cool evenly; check the vacuum setting machine, the water level in the spray box, and the pressure of the water pressure gauge to make the spray volume large and powerful; check the vacuum setting machine and spray box If the water temperature is more than 35℃, a chilled water system or a spray cooling box is required; check the water circuit and clean the filter; adjust the process; check and correct the inner hole diameter of the sizing sleeve; adjust the pipe guide clamping device to correct Ovality of pipe;

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