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The Plastic Profile Extrusion Process Explained-2

Date:2021-11-24 08:15:14 Browse:0

Step 4:
Before the resin is passed through a die to create the end product’s shape, it passes through a screen reinforced by a breaker plate. The screen removes the contaminants or inconsistencies that may be in the melted plastic. The resin is now ready to die as it’s fed into the cavity for cooling and hardening. Water bath or cooling rolls can help in fastening the cooling process.

Step 5:
The plastic profile extrusion process should be in such a way that the resin flows smoothly and evenly in the numerous stages. The quality of the final product depends on the consistency of the entire process.

Raw Materials Used in Plastic Extrusion Process
Different plastic raw materials can be heated and created into a continuous profile. Companies use a wide range of raw materials, including polycarbonate, PVC, recycled materials, nylon and polypropylene (PP).

Temperature Maintenance
Temperature plays an essential role in the entire extrusion process. Maintenance of the optimal temperatures is necessary to produce quality products. Failure to maintain the right temperature may minimize the uniform fluidity of the resin. There’s also the risk of the final product warping.

You can tell if the temperatures are not constant when pressure, friction and other variables start to develop in the extruder. It’s essential to keep an eye on the heater to ensure no increase or drop in temperature. You can manage the heat within the extruder by lowering, raising or shutting off the heaters appropriately.

Screw Design
The screw plays a crucial role in the plastic profile extrusion process as it facilitates resin movement in different stages. There’s no other moving part in the system. You should consider the design of this device as it determines the heating and feeding rates.

The melting rate, the resin size, the raw material type and the pressure required to maintain uniformity are crucial determinants of the diameter and length of the screw. You may even use two screws depending on the extruder you’re using to enable adequate mixing.

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