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Halogenated Flame Retardants Halogenated FR additive benefits: Very effective at lowering flammability in a wide range of polymers. Provide good fire performance even after repeated recycling of polymer + FR resin.Halogenated FR additive drawbacks:
General Flame Retardant Classes 1. Gas Phase Flame Retardants (ex. Halogen, Phosphorus)- Reduce heat in gas phase from combustion by scavenging reactive free radicals, thus inhibiting combustion.2. Endothermic Flame Retardants (ex. Metal Hydroxides, Carbonates)- Function in Gas Phase and Condensed Phase by releasing nonflammable gases (H2O, CO2) which dilutes the fuel and cools the polymer.3. Char Forming Fla…
How do flame retardants work? Flame retardants are added to different materials or applied as a treatment to materials (e.g., textiles, plastics) to prevent fires from starting, limit the spread of fire and minimize fire damage. Some flame retardants work effectively on their own; others act as “synergists” to increase the fire protective benefits of other flame retardants.
What are the most common elements in flame retardants? Bromine, phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorine are commonly used in flame retardants. Inorganic compounds are also used in flame retardants, either alone or as part of a flame retardant system in conjunction with bromine,
What are flame retardants? Flame retardants are a key component in reducing the devastating impact of fires on people, property and the environment. They are added to treat potentially flammable materials, including textiles and plastics. Flame retardant plastics are essential to devices we use every day, providing a valuable tool in fire prevention. The term “flame retardant” refers t…
THE 3 PHASES OF FIRE AND THE PROTECTING FEATURES OF FLAME RETARDANTS IGNITION SOURCE • Prevent ignition • Possibly self-extinguishFLAME SPREAD (REACTION TO FIRE) • Slow down flame spread • Reduce heat release • Delay flash-overFIRE PENETRATION (RESISTANCE TO FIRE) • Prevent the collapse of structures, e. g. steel columns protected by intumescent coatings • Prevent fire moving to adjacent room or building compartment
How Flame Retardants can INCREASE ESCAPE TIME IN FIRES • Flame retardants reduce the risk of ignition and fire spread of many plastic and textile materials which results in more available escape time for occupants.• Time to flashover can increase from 5 minutes to 15 minutes which can make thedifference between escape and fatalities.• Bear in mind that the escape time includes the time to discover the fire, alert other
A true story: flame retardant saves the lives One winter morning, the temperature was as low as zero, the United States, Colorado,, the workers of the Oil Refinery Co to wear Staben Marvin fire retardant clothes and jacket start work. At this time, the refinery workers don't know body protective clothing will in the deflagration occurred the same day saved his life.When one end of horizontal tank Staben around a capacity of…
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