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Innovations and Advances in PVC Technology-1

Date:2021-12-16 09:57:59 Browse:0

Advancements in Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) technology are improving for use in pipe, construction applications, wires and cabling, medical tubing, flooring, fabrics and other consumer items. As a thermoplastic resin, manufactured from industrial salts and carbon, PVC is also less dependent on oil or gas and considered a more natural resource.

PVC Pipe

PVC pipe is approximately 75% less expensive in use than PE pipe, (polyethylene HDPE). 

New advancements include PVC-O, oriented PVC and PVC-M, modified PVC. PVC-O has been successfully used in Australia for almost 20 years. This pipe is produced by re-aligning the molecules in PVC with Biaxial orientation. The pipe produced is considerably stronger, allowing the wall thickness to be reduced close to 50% while maintaining the same pressure strength.

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