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Definition of flame retardant

Date:2021-10-16 11:55:31 Browse:0

The term flame retardants subsumes a diverse group of chemicals which are added to manufactured materials, such as plastics and textiles, and surface finishes and coatings. Flame retardants are activated by the presence of an ignition source and are intended to prevent or slow the further development of ignition by a variety of different physical and chemical methods. They may be added as a copolymer during the polymerisation process, or later added to the polymer at a moulding or extrusion process or (particularly for textiles) applied as a topical finish.[1] Mineral flame retardants are typically additive while organohalogen and organophosphorus compounds can be either reactive or additive.


Novista Group supplies APP, MCA, aluminium hydroxide,magnesium hydroxide to global market.

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